Open House Invitation

you're inivted3

House in the Woods Military and Family Retreat



open house

July 8th, 2017

10:00 a.m. ~ 8:00 p.m.

217 Skunk Hill Road

Lee, Maine 04455

Tel: 207~738~4421

Part of architectural project, blueprint and close upThe dream has become   a reality!



We are so excited!!

The day has arrived….

to invite you to join us in celebrating the Open House for the lodge and offices.


From a “hole in the ground” to…….

construction siteA beautiful lodge…….

where our weary warriors and their families can rest and commune with their comrades from all branches of the Armed Forces.


Here they can relax, breathe in the fresh Maine air and smell the pines while enjoying hunting, fishing, and therapeutic recreational programs throughout the year.

Canoe on shoreThis is truly build it and they will come!

This is how the House and Emery families are honoring their sons.

This is where the wounded souls and bodies of combat warriors can feel “at home”. 

This is where our active military can come, while on leave, before returning to base or before being deployed overseas.     

This is where veterans of all wars are honored in the most respectful and caring manner that is so deserving of their years of service.

This is where we continue to honor our brave warriors who paid, with their lives, for our freedom and liberties we enjoy each day. Those who are among the bravest of warriors from long ago and from just last week.

This is where many of the volunteers and supporters give of their time and financial support to be a part of honoring our military men and women from all 50 states.

~This is where, TOGETHER WE HEAL~


American Flag 1~ In an instant everything changed: and it was never the same again……..~


Soldiers crossFor those readers who are new to postings of House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat the following will acquaint you with how it all began.

Two hometown boys who loved the wood of Maine and loved living in the small town of Lee.


gold star bannerTwo families from Lee, Maine became Gold Star Families in 2007.


Dee and Paul

Paul and Dee House founded House in the Woods after their son, Sgt. Joel A. House, was killed by a roadside bomb while serving in the Army in Iraq in June 23, 2007.

They dreamed of creating a program using Maine’s outdoor resources that would help military families support one another.


Sgt. Joel new picSgt. Joel A. House


gold star banner


Bill & Quie Emery

Bill and Quie Emery are the parents of Sgt. Blair Emery who made the ultimate sacrifice on November 30, 2007 in Iraq.

The Emerys learned first hand the power of being comforted by other Gold Star Family members when Blair was memorialized just five months after Joel.

blairSgt. Blair Emery

pine cone border

COMRADESPlease, come join us! We look forward to seeing each of you on July 8th between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Lee may be a small town but we are on the map and GPS.

Call us with any questions: 207~738~4421.

House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat

217 Skunk Hill Road

Lee, Maine 04455

45.3601° N, 68.2864° W

 Service members salute the American flag during a retreat ceremony Oct. 2, 2014, at Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark. The four military members represented each branch of the U.S. military and assembled to show solidarity. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Harry Brexel)


Mothers’ Day, Memorial Day

mothers day 3painting mother & childMay 14th is Mother’s Day! House in the Woods Military and Family Retreat would like to wish each Mom and Grandmother….a very, very happy Mother’s Day.

You are the boo-boo fixer, the referee between siblings, the one who knows how to cook their favorite meal just the way they love it. The nurturer, the shoulder to cry on and the first to cheer on and encourage your child’s choices. The Mom who gives the best hugs and is often the only one who “really gets it”.

You mend broken hearts, advise on career choices and lovingly tell the child when he or she “may want to change” the outfit they have on before going out in public!!

You can pick out their voice or laughter with 30 classmates all talking at once and you know by the tone of each cry what their immediate needs are. You are the one your child seeks when she comes running through the door and yells, “Mom where are you?” The love between a mother and child cannot be replaced…ever!!

You are among the blessed to have the title of Mother.!

flowers on vines

                          Woman, Soldier, Mom

Military Mom1A Military Mom simply wants to hold her child on Mother’s Day…and every day! It takes a special woman to remain steadfast as she leaves for deployment while serving her country. One who has made this choice for a career knowing she’s doing this for her children and for her country.

Those of us who have never lived through that “one last hug” before leaving cannot honestly know what it is like. What possibly goes through her mind as she has played all potential scenarios over and over in her head? A woman who stepped up to serve her country and prays for Skype and Facetime or texting to have a few precious moments with her little one.

If you are able to spend the day with your mother please take a few moments to remember the young mothers who are Military Moms, especially the moms who are on deployment away from their toddlers, teens and adult kids.


crying mom with babyThink of the sacrifices these women make and the degree of commitment they have in serving our country. Keep them in your prayers. Too often we civilians forget about our country’s men and women who serve if we do not live near a military base, running into military personnel in uniform at the supermarket or a school event for your child. Please keep in mind the women who make this noble choice, do so on a volunteer basis. They have made that life-altering decision to become a defender of our country. Their lives are completely different than those of civilians mothers, yet they still love being a mother. Instead of judging them, as some often do, I ask that you try to put yourself in their boots for one day. Respect and honor all the sacrifices they have made for you and your children.

military mom

flowers on vinesmom holding babyToday we sincerely want to thank all the military mothers who serve our country both here and abroad.  Leaving for a faraway land must be so difficult , but the homecoming has got to be the best moment you experience. That one second when you first spot your child and realize you can finally hold him or her again.  Most civilians don’t understand what you endure, but we definitely want to thank you as you truly are a Special Mom. We pray for you and your family daily~

flowers on vines

Women Navy officerProud of all our Navy, Army, Marine, and Coast Guard women.




female pilot USAF

Happy Mother’s Day to each armed services Mom!!



women soldierThank you for your service and your sacrifices.

flowers on vines


gold star mothers1During World War I, military families started a tradition of hanging a small banner in the windows of their homes. The banner had a white background, a red border and one blue star for each family member in the military. If a family member died in service, a gold star replaced the blue. That gold star has become a simple, cherished symbol of a loved one lost in combat, a parent’s way to hold tight a child’s memory.

Gold Star Mothers is an organization of mothers who have lost a son or daughter in the service of our country. This is a Veterans Service Organization, established in 1928 and chartered by the United States Congress in 1984. American Gold Star Mothers continue to honor their sons and daughters through service — service to veterans and patriotic events.

gold star bannerIt is with the most honorable and highest respect with which we hold the Gold Star Mothers. Throughout history many of us have come to know of or are related to a woman who has lost a son or daughter to combat. With each Mother’s Day that passes, their loss tugs even stronger at the heart of the mother. We ask that you continue to pray for these mothers whose son or daughter made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, for it is these women who can no longer hold their child, laugh with him/her or take a quiet stroll on the beach with them.

Is the Gold Star Mother that friend or relative working endlessly to support our troops? Is she the one who volunteers to send packages to our troops on deployment or write letters of gratitude and encouragement to the young men and women serving our country? Is this woman the one standing next to you at the Memorial Day Parade, waving her small American flag with tears in her eyes?

You can be supportive of this very special mother by asking how you can help her with her mission. Give her a warm hug and tell her how sorry you are for her loss. It will give you the opportunity to get to know her and respect all that she has endured. You will certainly bring a smile to her face when you say “can I help you with that?”

flowers on vines


A Gold Star Mother Shares

Dee and Paul

Deanna House, Mother of a Fallen Hero and Director of Administrative Services at House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat, lost her son Sgt.Joel A. House, KIA Iraq June 23, 2007. Joel was 22 years old and Dee was 47 on that fateful day…the day of her birthday.

Dee is a quiet woman when first you are in her presence. But under that soft, gracious demeanor lies an extremely intelligent, well-educated individual with a loving fierceness when it comes to family, our combat wounded, active military and all veterans.

Dee is a Gold Star Mother who is on a mission to help other veterans. She is here is to honor Joel and she does this every day of her life. The following is penned by Joel’s Mom….Deanna House:

HUM-JoelPortrait of Sgt. Joel A. House by Michael Reagan

 Michael Reagan was a young man in the 1960’s, old enough to go to Vietnam.  He had graduated from a Seattle, Washington High School in 1965 and enlisted in the U.S. Marines.  At 19-years old a fellow Marine bled to death in his arms.  

“He just looked me in the face and said, Mike, I just wanna go home,  Michael says.

“And he looked at me, closed his eyes and died. Then we covered him with a tarp. I’ve seen that face for 48 years every day.”

After returning from the War, “people spat on me; no one seemed to understand what I’d been through. I felt as if I had dug a hole and buried part of myself in Vietnam”.  

After returning home and holding some unfulfilling jobs, Michael went to art school.  Afterwards he was hired as a computer programming for his school district.  Seattle was quickly becoming an actors’ refuge from Hollywood.  Before long he was meeting celebrities. He offered to draw them two portraits, one for themselves and the other to come back to him autographed.   For years he practiced, getting better and better.  He drew actors, presidents, athletes, etc.

Then the war in Iraq started and casualties began arriving at Dover Air Force Base, Maryland. In 2003 a widow of a fallen corpsman asked Michael to draw a portrait of her husband.  The words of the man who had died in his arms hit him, “Bring me home.”  

When the widow opened the drawing of her husband, tears filled her eyes.  She said;

“I was able to reconnect to him instantly. We talked about things that we hadn’t finished talking about when he died. I ended my conversation with him telling him I loved him.” She said, “I felt him say he loved me back. And for the first time in a year, I’ve slept all night.’”

When Michael hung up the phone, he turned to his wife and said, “Now we need to do them all,” he told her. “Our whole life’s about to change.”

Vincent Santaniello, the young Marine who bled to death in Reagan’s arms, is listed on the Vietnam Memorial.  His parents had passed on when Reagan tracked down Vincent’s nephew Ralph to finally fulfill his friend’s last request. 

Vincent Santaniello, 46 years after that request, had finally arrived home.  Ralph, overcome by the mixture of grief and pride, realized that his uncle had not died in vain. Because of his death, a generation of fallen heroes would live on forever.



gold star and flag

Deanne House: “I didn’t know that story until my art history assignment pushed me to find an art object and relate it to me personally, as well as describe how it fit into the 20th century timeline. 

I have a Michael Reagan portrait of my son, Sgt. Joel A. House who was killed on my 47th birthday, June 23, 2007. Believe me when I say, no mother wants to own a Michael Reagan portrait, and yet, we can’t describe the blessing it is each day to see our sons and daughters picture hanging there, so real looking, with eyes that bite into our hearts, accompanying us through our fields of stolen dreams.

Joel was 22-years old, the youngest of my 3 children.  He was on his second tour of duty with the 2-8 Cavalry.  The 2nd tour was a duty he did not want.  He had been forced to remain in the Army due to the Stop-Loss program.  Like the soldier who died in Reagan’s arms, all Joel wanted was to come home to Lee, Maine and live the rest of his life close to his family, the woods and waterways, and the Maine way of life.  

Our Michael Reagan portrait arrived within a year of Joel’s death. “It was so real,” says my husband. “it was like Joel came alive.” I only saw this photo through a text message at first.

My dreams were coming true for me, and just before Joel was killed, I was hired to teach at a prestigious American school in Monterrey, Mexico. I was going to be only 5 hours from Ft. Hood, TX and planned to drive there to meet him in January of 2008 when he returned to American soil.

Now I was closing up shop on my dream to learn the Spanish language and Mexican culture, a goal that would help me become a better qualified Spanish teacher. I was returning to Lee to help my husband with our memorial scholarship program and with his new mission, to create an outdoor retreat program that would help veterans from all generations come together, relax and share their stories, and maybe leave with a new hunting or fishing story of their own.

We selected the photo of this drawing to represent his memorial scholarship, The Sgt. Joel A. House Summer Camp Fund.  Each summer we help over 50 Maine kids reach for their dreams by helping them to attend an academic, sports, visual/performing arts, conservation, or Bible camp of their choice.  Our hope is that Joel’s ultimate sacrifice will challenge young people to explore the imaginative possibilities of their potential.  Sgt. Joel A. House Summer Camp Fund

During the first few years of the scholarship program, I used to see that image every day as I’d read scholarship applications and as I uploaded changes to the website or Face Book page.  Summer camp just happened to coincide with the anniversary of Joel’s death. 

Seeing Joel’s picture so lifelike, with his mouth expression posed just like he had done in real life, with his eyes that followed me around the room, would set off a quiet crying “jag”, a pity party of one. 

My emotions were all represented in that facial expression:  anger at death, jealousy of those who had not died, who were living their lives, bitterness at life.  Yet Reagan’s ability to capture the essence of Joel was comforting. Joel’s patient eyes under his tank helmet could leap from the frame and assure me that he was still with me; he’d never left me. 

This image of my boy who would never turn 23 had a way of straightening my spine. “Do the work, Ma,” he would say. After a few years, the image changed my sorrow over losing Joel to contentment that I was able to help so many kids. His mouth can change ever so subtly from “Mom, it’s gonna be OK” to “Mom, what are you thinking?”……….

 ~Deanna House, Mother of a Fallen Hero~


Joel medals2

my son my hero

 Dee has asked me to share the link to her journal about losing Joel: Tribute to My Son

You will find this a very moving, honest journey written by a Mom who only wanted time to turn back a few years!

Deanna House has become that voice in my ear.

flowers on vines

 Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, the American Soldier and Jesus Christ. One died for your soul, and the other died for your freedom……..



flowers on vines



memorial Day 2As you spend your holiday with friends and family, remember that Memorial Day represents the sacrifices of thousands of those young men and women who stepped up for your freedom!

Many continue to serve, many troops preparing for a new deployment, many families relocating or waiting here at home for the return of their loved one. As you attend your baseball games and cookouts, please keep in mind these are men and women who volunteer for this life of service to our Country. Our country no longer has the draft system used in previous wars. It is a conscious decision to serve. They serve for your freedom of your liberties. 

On the battlefield we leave no soldier behind. As a nation let it be our pledge that when they return we leave no veteran behind.

no man behind

some gave all

banner flags


~Saluting and honoring all who made the ultimate sacrifice.~

Viet Nam Wall

banner flags


Caskets on aircraftTo those who courageously gave their lives ….we thank you and we honor you, we pray for your loved ones.

flowers on vinesTomb of Unknown SoldierTomb of the Unknown Soldier.

flowers on vines


thank you donationg

York Beach Firefighters donates $1,700 to               House in the Woods

York FF2Jenna and Cathy Gavin and York Beach Firefighters present Luke House and son Joel with a donation to House in the Woods.

The York Beach Fire Department of York Beach, Maine received a gift from the family of the late Army Sgt. Kyle Gavin. In turn, the firefighters decided to present this wonderful gift to Luke House (brother of Sgt. Joel House) and Luke’s son Joel for the nonprofit retreat House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat.

Per Sea Coast Online News: The idea was sparked by Gavin’s boss at Shoreline Construction and York Beach Fire Department Capt. Gary Woods, and friend Anthony DiElsi, a firefighter in the department. Gavin, who died at age 29 in March 2016, was “a good friend of a lot of people” at the station, said Woods.

Pleae read the entire Sea Coast article at this link Sea Coast Online News

flowers on vines

Katie Neal Boston Marathon Runner

Battle Badges Paul and KatieDuring this year’s Battle of the Badges Paul House received a wonderful gift.
 Paul House states: It was such an honor to meet Katie Neal from Enfield who is running in the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 17 in honor of my son Sgt. Joel A. House, killed in action 6/23/2007 in Iraq.  She raised over $3,000 to support House in the Woods mission to serve veterans through free outdoor therapeutic, educational, and recreational programs.





Battle badges logoThis year’s Battle of the Badges was great fun!! All of us associated with House in the Woods love getting together with these guys and gals for a day of some good competition.

The black & blue teams…no I mean color shirts!!

Battle of badges game4


Battle of badges game2
Battle of badges game7These men mean business!!


Battle of badges game5

Must be a new position for a team player!
Battle of badges game10
Wait, is that a foul??
Battle of badges game9
Let’s hope that one went in!!
Pine Cones
turkey hunter

 Man with turkey2

Chad Smith shared:  I had a couple great days turkey hunting with my father courtesy of “House in the Woods.” Thank you Paul House and everyone involved. You are all doing special things for our Veterans. Thanks to my guide Christopher Labonte. We had a great time, met some great people and made great memories. I was lucky to be in the blind with my father when he bagged his first Maine turkey.


All attendees enjoyed a fabulous turkey supper on Sunday’s arrival. Evidently someone bagged a turkey pre-event!! And, a gut-filling spaghetti feed was devoured by all upon departure Wednesday. Great time had by everyone!!


goen fishing 2

allagash-riverThe Allagash Wilderness Waterway in the North Wood of Maine

May 8-11th: Trout fishing at Nugent’s Camps on Chamberlain Lake in Maine’s Allagash Wilderness Waterway. Open water fishing for togue (lake trout), brook trout with some brookies, 5 lbs. or better, and whitefish on Chamberlain Lake of Maine.

 Pine Cones
May 14 at 11:00 a.m. is the rebroadcast of the HITW episode, Growing Home. At this time it’s only available in the Maine market on NBC affiliates. The web Growing Home TV.

 Pine Cones First Annual House in the Woods Golf Fundraising Scramble

May 22nd:   The Premiere HITW Golf Scramble at Martindale Country Club in Auburn. All the money raised from this Fund Raiser will go to House in the Woods and all involved are not paid to help in this event. Lunch and dinner will be served.
At House in the Woods we are working hard in this growth time to be able to bring more Active Duty and Vets plus their families to outdoor therapeutic,educational and recreational programs. This day of golfing will help support our efforts for all who come to our new lodge at House in the Woods. A great respite for those who are dealing with combat wounds, both physical and PTSD.
We need more donations for this awesome Golf Scramble plus we need more teams! Please contact Mike Albert at 207-333-1053 or e-mail
 Pine Cones
Widows Sons Logo
May 28th: the Widows’ Sons Riders will motorcycle to Lee. We always enjoy hearing the bikes come up the road. 
motorcycels 2
 Pine Cones
Summit Poject logo
Memorial Weekend: The Summit Project climbs Katahdin carrying rocks of fallen. Join The Patriot Riders of America-Maine Chapter #1, Patriot Riders of America-Maine Chapter Two, and Patriot Riders of America – Maine Chapter 3 for the third annual The Summit Project, honoring Maine’s heroes and their families. While the Patriot Riders will be transporting the stones the support of everyone would be awesome so we ask that you join the convoy.
More details are available at The Summit Project Face Book page:The Summit Project-Face Book Page
 Pine Cones
May 31: Application deadline for the Sgt. Joel A. House Summer Camp Fund scholarship. 
joelThis scholarship assists Maine children to attend an academic, sports, visual/performing arts, conservation, or Bible camp of their choice.  Applications are available at
 Pine Cones
hanging fish
June 1 – 8: Lake Ontario Fishing Trip to Oswego, NY.  Make sure you contact Paul House soon if you are interested in joining us for this trip. Call HITW: 207-738-4421.
 Target trophy Brown Trout are awaiting you! This time of the year the larger adult Brown trout are in 60 ft of water or less. Let’s see who brings home the “big one”!!


flowers on vines

All who are connected with House in the Woods Military and Family Retreat want to wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day and an honorable Memorial Day.

Please remember the Mom who serves our country while apart from her children. Remember to keep them in your prayers.

Mom soldier welcome home2Pray for the souls of the soldiers whom we remember this Memorial Day.

us-flag-and-soldiers Each who made the ultimate sacrifice did so for each of us…..the combat warrior fought and gave his life for all who are citizens of our great United States!


US-flag-and-bible-crossWe shall continue to pray for your safety and for the loved ones who await you at your home……..




House in the Woods Military and Family Retreat

217 Skunk Hill Road

Lee, Maine o4455

Phone: 207-738-4421

Fax: 207-738-4420

Email: Deanna House, Director of Administrative Services

April, Month of The Military Child


~The Dandelion~

She will blow and blow
But will never know
Where the little dandelion will go
Where the little dandelion will grow.
The wind takes it high
The wind takes it low
But still she will never know
Where the little dandelion will go
Where the little dandelion will grow.


“Children of the world, blown to all corners of the world,                   we bloom anywhere!”    

~Diane Townsend Davis~

The Unsung Heroes

In 1986 Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger designated April as the Month of the Military Child  to recognize and honor the service of our youngest heroes, our military kids…often called Military Brat.


Dad or Mom gets deployed which potentially means another move for the whole family.  These kids are leaving best buddies, their Little League team, their favorite soccer field, and a house they “really liked” and enroll in another new school. They are proud of their parent who is serving, but they miss them every day.  Their military parent is gone months and, sometimes, off and on, years.

Dad is not there for dinner, not there to help with the science project or to attend the ball practice or school play, not sitting with the family in church. Instead, Dad is in Iraq or Afghanistan….or some other weird named country too far away. But these kids can tell you how many months, weeks, days, hours and seconds until Dad’s plane lands at the base or his ship docks.

soldiers feetThese are some of the most adaptable and resilient kids around! They have to be.  Every year or two they might be asked to start over in a new city, a new state and, sometimes, even a new country.

we're movingIf you know of a military family who has relocated to your town or neighborhood, please make it a point to welcome them and show them the sincere respect they deserve. When a military parent is serving the kids are serving too. Their whole life is a sacrifice for our freedom!!

Take a moment to look at the following informational booklet:Everyone Serves.

If you are a civilian who has never endured the military separation from a family member, I highly recommend you still read this handbook. It will give you a tremendous amount of insight into the deployment cycle. You may also gain some valuable tips as to how you can extend a hand to our military families.

An excerpt from the book: Your dad is heading out for yet another deployment, which means he won’t be around for your basketball games or for your sister’s soccer games. Plus, you’ll have more chores and more responsibilities. You’re struggling with a range of emotions: dread, pride, sadness, and maybe even a little resentment. Welcome to the emotional roller coaster called the deployment cycle.

From the CEO of Blue Star Families: No matter if this is your first, third or seventh time, deployment is an intense and unusual part of our lives. I urge you to spend time with this great resource, and take care of yourself.
— Kathy Roth-Douquet, CEO, Blue Star Families

Acknowledge the kids…the Unsung Heroes, the Military Brat and attempt to understand what it must be like to have your Mom or Dad away in some foreign country while you and your family are moving into another new neighborhood. If you have children in your family I ask that you encourage them to welcome the military children. They have some excellent…and some sad…adventures they can share with your kids. Just as your kids can share the local “awesome places” to go fishing or skate boarding. The kids of military parents may have lived in another country or on the “coolest Marine base” around!! Their Dad may fly awesome fighter jets or Mom might be in Intelligence unit or control drones. First and foremost; pray for these families!

PrayingHands_AmericanFlagChances are someone in your friends & family network was raised as a Military Brat. Some in my family were.Take a moment to ask them what it really was like for them.

There is a nonprofit organization called Blue Star Families. Their mission: strengthening military families and connecting America to its’ military. Take a moment to visit their website. They can also be found on Face Book.

I was introduced to this organization by a member of my extended family who is a Regional Director of Blue Star Families. Her husband is Navy, their three young unsung heroes have been military forever!

Most civilians have no idea of this organization and I want to make you, the reader and supporter of our military, aware of this great group who help military families acclimate and assimilate!


If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a nation to support its’ military.


~ Support Our Military…Loud and Proud ~


House in the Woods Military and Family Retreat often has attendees who bring their spouses and their kids to share in the events. We are steadfast supporters of these families. We fully comprehend their lifestyle and their losses. We honor them and are here to help them.

father & son1Our events provide the families a time to spend together with other veterans and active duty military in an outdoor adventure. A relaxed atmosphere and often educational time in nature that they will never forget. We always make these kids aware of how proud we are of them and thank them for their service as our Unsung Heroes.

Kids ice fishing





Time with family in the great outdoors through House in the Woods events!!


Boat fishing




Pine Cones



Spring cleaning

I’m sorry, but cleaning is never fun, but one of life’s necessities!

Yet, this is one of those times we are happy to be doing our first “spring cleaning” of our new lodge, House in the Woods. The task began this week. Clearing out the sawdust from construction, at 15 foot (plus) high ceilings, was a challenge, but we are getting very close to opening the doors to our guests. Thanks to all the volunteers who answered the call for help!! We want it spotless!!

Volunteer cleaners1Ask and you shall receive….when Paul House put the message out, volunteers showed up at the lodge to help with the task of cleaning! We have the Best of the Best in Maine!!

Jeremy, Rachel, Andrew, Lydia, and David. (Not shown Carol and Rick.)


Volunteer cleaner2


But did Paul work them too hard?? No…everyone needs a break. Take five where you are!!


Volunteer cleaner3


All of these great volunteers actually DID work. Touch-up painting, vacuuming and dusting…all over the lodge!! Paul just stole their shoes to make sure they didn’t leave!!





Great room    With each day we are closer to holding our first events at our beautiful lodge for our combat wounded, all veterans and active military. We will soon be broadcasting the actual open house date soon. But first there is the…..

punch listThe Infamous PUNCH LIST!!

As with any construction, residential or commercial, the inevitable punch list is handed over. We have some great contractors attacking it. Soon folks….soon, the occupancy permit will be in hand!!! We certainly have learned a lot and the Lord has been generous in sending us so many supporters, donors of construction materials, labor and financial support.


HITW LogoWhere together, we heal!

House in the Woods

We cannot wait to welcome our all our veterans of all wars and active military to our lodge where each will find rest, recreation and educational activities in the outdoor wilderness of Maine.


Fishing in chairOur lodge and all our outdoor events are ADA compliant for the needs of our combat wounded. You will traverse the trails and waters with ease. At the lodge your nights will be peaceful in our suites. Days spent in the Maine fresh air will be all you will need to drop off to sleep!


Camp fire 1After a great dinner at day’s end and a campfire in the evening, you will be telling yourself and your family that you must return again. Perhaps for the August thru September black bear hunt or a moose hunt.

REMEMBER: You are NOT required to be a Maine resident. ALL are invited from ALL 50 United States. All accommodations and meals are at NO COST for our event participants.


Pine Cones


217 Skunk Hill Rd, Lee, ME 04455 

Archt. Plans1From Conception….


 Exterior HITWTo completion…….





Pine ConesInterior window viewLots of bright sunshine and fresh Maine air will be coming through these windows. Beautiful wood flooring!





Ceiling of the Great Room where our guests will gather. Gorgeous wood walls!





thankful for youPine Cones

Mike Mathieu Paul & DeePaul House and Turbo (Super Tracker). Dee House and  Mike Mathieu.

March 17th was a great morning on local radio with Mike Mathieu and Phil Bolduc from Neocraft Signs, talking with Matt and Bonnie from W105.5FM radio to update the radio station’s listeners of the progress made at the lodge.  Mike Albert from A & A Hardware and Sue Donovan from Donavan’s Auto also joined us.  Click to listen

Thank you everyone for letting us share the great work being done for our veterans. Radio coverage in Maine helps us get the word out more often regarding our military and family retreat.

We are excited that Neocraft is donating the front sign for our building and the braille signage for interior of the lodge.

Neokraft sginNeokraft Signs put this HUGE banner of House in the Woods on the side of their building. We thank Neokraft for supporting House in the Woods!!

Sue Donovan and Mike Albert are spearheading an awesome golf tournament to benefit House in the Woods at to be held Monday, May 22, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at Martindale Country Club in Auburn, Maine. Come join us for an excellent day of golf and to help support our veterans retreat lodge.

April Golf Tournment

Pine ConesMacysA wonderful donation from Macy’s Bangor store: queen size beds for our guest suites at the lodge! Sadly, the Bangor location is closing its’ doors, but we are so grateful for their generous donation of beds for the guest suites at the lodge.

thank you2More In-kind Donations for House in the Woods!!

During the construction of our military and family retreat we have had many in-kind donations. The following is another example of the amazing people and organizations who have stepped up and shouted, count me in!!!

Maine State PrisonRandall Liberty, Warden of Maine State Prison since 2015 had a project for some of the inmates in the Woodworking Shop: create dressers and nightstands for each of the suites at House in the Woods.

Night standPerfect style for a lodge in the woods!! How great is this!!


Pine ConesDresserWarden Liberty has been working with veteran causes after his discharge from active duty. At the Maine Prison he created a veterans block for those who served in our country’s military and, through some hard times, became incarcerated.

Randy served 21 years between the Army and Army National Guard. He has traveled throughout out country as an advocate for veterans dealing with PTSD. Randy created a documentary, A Matter of Duty which you can find at this link: A Matter of Duty

Liberty’s last assignment was in 2004 as the Command Sergeant Major of a Military Transition Team, Team Bulldog, embedded with 772 Iraqi Infantryman in the City of Fallujah.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATEAM BULLDOG. Front row L to R, second soldier is Command Sergeant Major Randall A. Liberty

You lose guys. It changes you forever….. ~ Randall Liberty ~

As a citizen of the United States, where we enjoy a fantastic amount of freedom, you may not agree about sending our men and women off to war, but is it not our moral duty to support these brave souls when they reintegrate? These are the individuals who step up to assure our freedom continues while we go day-to-day worrying about how to get that next raise at work, how to get a day off with pay and how to get our kids to baseball practice on time. These are the men and women in the Armed Forces who are often on their second or third deployment. They are the ones leaving their Unsung Heroes (their military kids) behind.

Pine Cones

Handcrafted From Nature 

17436169_1703562849659629_729438669658470326_oThank you to Mike Thurlow for this beautiful, rustic birch burl seat.  When you stop in at the lodge, to visit us at House in the Woods, you can get the full story of this fabulous handcrafted sculptured chair. A generous, unique piece of decorative art created by Mike. 

Pine ConesBangor Bear Paws Quilters Present Beautiful Quilts to House in the Woods

QuiltsThese gorgeous quilts for House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat were lovingly crafted by Maine’s Bangor Bear Paws Quilters. Each quilt represents a branch of our armed forces. What a perfect gift for the new beds for the guest suites at the lodge!

Thank you so very much for your beautiful artwork and long hours of stitching.

thank you quilt

Pine Cones

Let Us Introduce You to A Great Friend of House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat……

~ The Summit Project ~

Summit Poject logo
The Summit Project (TSP), is a Maine based, volunteer run and supported nonprofit service organization started in 2013. Unlike any project in America, it collects stories and stones that uniquely represent the country’s fallen heroes and allows the communities they died for to honor them through action. The Summit Project



David Summit ProjectMajor David J. Cote

Major David J. Cote is a Marine Corps officer, an Iraq war veteran and a proud native Mainer.  Over Memorial Day 2013, he officially created The Summit Project.  He launched the website and visited Maine to publicly share a vision for a unique project to honor and sustain the memories of Maine’s newest war casualties and the faithful spirit of all Mainers — of whom 1 in 7 are veterans, among the highest concentrations in the nation.

The Summit Project, a nationally recognized, Maine based, 501(c)3 service organization, is a living memorial that pays tribute to the fallen service members from Maine who have died in the line of duty since September 11, 2001.

Volunteers learn about a fallen hero from Maine and then elect to carry his or her memorial stones in ongoing tribute treks across the world. Already the memorial stones and memories of our fallen have traversed America and even summited the peaks of Mt. Everest and Mt. Kilimanjaro.

One of the most important parts about TSP is that volunteers make an effort to learn about the fallen hero whose stone they carry. They then commit to writing a letter to the family of the fallen as a reflection of their experience. TSP volunteers have told us that carrying these stones has helped them understand what it was like to serve, what it means to serve and what it means to sacrifice for something greater.



As many of our regular readers of this monthly newsletter know, House in the Woods was conceived by Paul and Deanna House after losing their son Joel in Iraq. Blair Emery, a friend of Joel was also killed in Iraq a few months later. The following are just a few statements from some of the people who have carried their stones. At House in the Woods we honor all of the brave warriors who lost their lives in battle. When you visit The Summit Project website The Summit Project you will (sadly) see the long list of our military men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Sgt. Joel A. House

joelI feel honored to have carried Joel’s stone. I felt very proud to know that this brave hero was in my hands. We climbed Table Rock Mountain, and even though it was hard, Joel brought me right back up every time I got tired. He gave me a mission. This non-profit program is the best part of all! You are giving Joel a second chance at life., Thank you very much!…… ~ Love, Abby

Mountain1It was an honor to carry Joel up the mountain. I know he would have done this hike as well, if he could. I think he was a very special man with a kind heart. Your family is amazing doing this non-profit program. I couldn’t imagine having a relative pass away and getting over it. You are all very strong and I hope you know that you’re doing a good thing by him with this stone. I will always carry his legacy…. ~ Love, Morgan

Mountain4It was a great honor to carry the stone of Joel House. It was also a learning experience. As a young child my Dad went to Iraq and it never really clicked that he might not come back. Thankfully my Dad came home, but I am sorry that Joel did not. I cannot even begin to understand your pain and loss and the struggles that you go through but I would still like to offer my small words of apology for the loss of such a great young man. I wish you all the best………~ Sincerely, Richard


Mountain5Sgt. Blair Emery

blairChristine Starkey and I, Patriot Riders both, were honored to care for the memory of SGT Blair W. Emery, via an engraved stone, selected by his family, from Portland to Millinocket, during The Summit Project’s initial event. Arriving by motorcycle at our destination, we transferred that stone to his Dad. As a Dad, I cannot fathom the grief that Mr. Emery endures. As a Veteran, I know all too well the sacrifices our servicemen and women, and their families, make in service to America. AGS, SGA.
Rest in God’s arms, SGT. We’ve got it from here…~ Dennis Murphy

Pine ConesIt was a great honor to carry Army Sgt. Blair W. Emery’s stone to the summit of Cadillac Mountain on October 4th 2014. Before the hike I was able to learn a little bit about this great man and who he was. After meeting his parents, Quie and Bill Emery I learned even more about him and feel we would have been great friends. We shared a lot of the same interests and were both the babies in our families, each having two older sisters.
A friend comes to the side of those in need and joins you in many adventures throughout life. This hike was an adventure I will never forget and Blair’s stone represented a good friend. When the rain and wind came pouring down I had him on my mind and in my heart and that enabled me to continue on……….When we reached the summit I was proud to tell his story to the others who had made this journey and was proud to know that it may have affected them even in some small way. He seemed like a wonderful man that could make anyone laugh. Listening to his stories brought a smile to my face as it did to the others I told…….

It is hard to explain in words the emotions and pride that I felt by participating in this event. I met so many wonderful people who all gathered to celebrate and honor the noble deeds that these men and women did for their country. I will forever remember this experience and the people I met along the way. The love, generosity and strength were abundant among all. “I never knew how strong I was, until being strong was the only option.” God bless all our troops and their families….. ~ Lindsay Richards

Pine ConesI was so honored to carry Army Sgt. Blair W. Emery’s stone up Borestone Mountain going into the climb that i had made before, but doing it in the winter with snow shoes was a lot harder then before. Going up I was thinking about Sgt. Blair and what I had read about him he seemed like a very nice man who was loved by his family and friends. Once I reached the top we were asked to talk about the solider we had picked and when it came my turn to talk it was hard for me to put into words who Sgt. Blair was mostly because words can’t describe how great or kind a man really is. He loved baseball and almost was loved by everyone he came in contact with. It was cool to also read about how he found the stone when he was 5 years old, and after using it as a door stop for most of the stones life the entire family decided to use it has his stone. Doing this hike was really challenging but I was honored to do it. Thank you so much friends and family for letting me take Sgt. Blair”s stone up the mountain and I would gladly do it again……….. ~ Andrew Torbett ~

stones gatheredThe act of solidarity and the alignment of the efforts toward the summits in Maine and other mountains across the world will reinforce the values that all Mainers hold dear – at TSP they look after one another, they remember one another, they take care of one another, they are faithful and they lift each other to higher places – literally and figuratively.


Please visit the website where many of Maine’s fallen are listed and where you can see stories of those who carried the stone for the heroes:  The Summit Project

A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers. ~ President John F. Kennedy ~

Pine ConesEight at Eight!!! Or is it Five on Five??

bouncing-basketballApril 8, 2017 @ 8 a.m.

Bakstball2As seen in our March newsletter…this is a reminder. It’s not too late to plan to join us for Battle of the Badges Basketball Tournament at the Skehan Rec Center, located at 1 Main Rd N, Hampden, ME . Organized by the Maine Public Safety Community. The battle of the badges basketball tournament will be held on Saturday April 8th at the Skehan Rec Center in Hampden, ME. The entry fee for the tournament will be $12.00 per team member. All proceeds go directly to the House in the Woods Foundation.

This is always a fun for all. It can get rather competitive!! Come join the fun or to cheer your favorites on ! It will be a great time.


Pine Cones

April 28 ~ 30, 2017


United Blood TrackersPaul House, Director of House in the Woods and his tracking dog, Turbo will be attending United Blood Trackers Trackfest in Beren, NY this month where they will participate in tracking trials and learn new tracking skills.

United Blood Trackers states: we are dedicated to promoting resource conservation through the use of trained tracking dogs in the ethical recovery of big game. We support recovery efforts afield, the education of hunters, the training and testing of dog handlers and their dogs, and legislative efforts to promote blood tracking.


Turbo snow 3

Turbo snow2

Turbo after the storm…but no tracking here!




Many of the participants of hunting and fishing events at House in the Woods, as well as those sitting around a good old campfire, are familiar Turbo who is always at Paul’s side. He even graces Dee House with his presence at times! Turbo is a certified blood tracking dog who works along side Paul, a Maine Guide, tracking wildlife in the wood of Maine.

Blood tracking dogs are used for recovering wounded game. With training and experience a dog can learn to distinguish and track an specific wounded animal by other scents also rather than just its blood. We are confident Turbo will pass with flying colors in his tracking trials and as he learns his new skills.

Pine Cones

 April 30~May 3, 2017

Turkey shoot 1Join House in the Woods for a three day turkey hunt!  You could bag your Thanksgiving Day foul early or…have enjoy a Spring turkey dinner! When isn’t a turkey dinner enjoyable??



This has always been a fun springtime event for those who have turkeyflock snowjoined the veterans and active military in a few days of great hunting. Some attendees return each year. The Maine air is crisp and there is still some snow in the wood.

Turkey shoot2

 For details, Contact Deanna House (a Gold Star Mother and a Military Brat) at House in the Woods House in the Woods


Pine ConesAt House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat we create a therapeutic, recreational and educational retreat for our U.S. Armed Forces and their families using outdoor wilderness activities in Maine and other natural habitats to help participants share common challenges related to their service and sacrifice in protecting our nation’s freedom and democratic ideals.


US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform

Visit our website House in the Woods.

Determine for yourself:  do you think a few days in the wood of Maine would be something you would like to experience? You will connect with other veterans. As you have learned, it truly takes a veteran to understand another veteran. You will gain insight into things you thought were haunting only you…when in reality your brothers~in~arms have been there.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS. Our combat wounded, our Vietnam vets and soldiers still serving are the MOST supportive you will find! Plus, you deserve some great R&R in the fresh air, hike the trails, smell the pine, relax on the ponds in a canoe or kayak. Throw the line out for a catch…join us for a bear hunt or deer hunt…….open water fishing!

All events are created with the combat wounded in mind. Nothing to stop you when you are a participant in any of the events at House in the Woods!!!! We have all terrain vehicles and our new lodge has an elevator. Every aspect of the lodge is ADA compliant.

hands together we heal


Pine ConesVolunteersIf you have been wondering how you can help House in the Woods, stepping up to volunteer is a great way to support our lodge. One day, one week or a month. We have a great force of volunteers with a wide-range of skills, but we are always grateful for more help. Perhaps you are kicking around some ideas for summer vacation. Maine is fabulous in the summer!!

Have you been thinking you would like to introduce your children to the gift of volunteering….to teach them first-hand about the brave warriors who have stepped up and become defenders of our freedom and our liberty??  Your kids may even be able to volunteer with some of their own age who are the Unsung Heroes…the Military Brat of today.

Contact Deanna House, Director of Administrative Services. Send her an email to see how you can help: Deanna House

Pine ConesAs this newsletter began I made you aware of the Unsung Heroes, the Military Brat and the fact that April was officially dedicated to these kids who live the military life. As author of this newsletter I personally have loved ones currently serving in the Armed Forces.

I have seen my own kids and grandkids step up and serve my beloved country. My family has paid the ultimate sacrifice from the Korean War through the Iraq War. But I realized that all too often the kids who live the life of relocations, saying good-bye to Dad or Mom as deployment time rolls around, these kids are rarely praised as kids who also serve their country.

kids goodby2I am certain many readers of this newsletter were not aware until today that there April is the Month of the Military Child. It is my hope that in some small way I have opened your heart and mind to doing something to help support the military family. You only need ask a local church, veterans’ organization or the woman sitting next to you at work whose husband is in Iraq…ask how you can help them! They are serving for you…………………..

~ Brenda Everson~Shaw ~


support troops


He is risenHe is risen….

As you gather with loved ones to celebrate Easter in the manner which you choose, my personal message to my readers is………..

He is risen….



March Newsletter

In like a lion 2The March wind roars, like a lion in the sky,
And makes us shiver, as he passes by.
When winds are soft and the days are warm and clear,
Just like a gentle lamb, then spring is here. 
                                                ~ Author Unknown
  Pine tree group

For our freedom…….

combat Marine
That old, well-known phrase In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb, can be descriptive of our combat warriors: entering their mission like a lion; fierce and ready to take on the world… get the mission done and get out of there!
 The lion and the lamb coexist in our men and women who have bravely and unselfishly served our country.
 Lion & lamb

For their freedom…….

soldier contemplatingOften they come home like the lamb; quiet, and at times, withdrawn, appearing ever-so-gentle on the outside, wondering, on the inside, what to do next. There is no forgetting. There is only “adjusting”.

Armor of steel that no one can penetrate?

soldiersprayingThis is my son, your brother, your husband. This is my daughter, wife, sister or best friend. We owe them each, all the love and support we can give.

~ Come to House in the Woods where, together we heal. ~

We invite each of our combat wounded to join us for peace, comfort, fun times, great exercise and fresh air at House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat in the wood of Lee, Maine. We know once you do, you will come back often. The food, accommodations and those on staff are the best!

Pine tree group


Sunset at my favorite harbor in Harpswell, Maine“Whether participants are sitting under the countless stars on a cloudless summer night or reflecting on their own reflections in the glass-like stillness of a Maine pond during a 4:00 a.m. summer sunrise, there is a therapy in realizing one’s enduring place in eternity. As participants face the outdoor challenges presented by Mother Nature herself, they will derive a sense of accomplishment, find, through exercise, a release of stress, and have the opportunity to talk and share with one another the laughter, memories, sorrow, service, and pride, among many other common bonds.”

                     ~ Deanna House, Director of Administrative  Services,     
House in the Woods, Lee, Maine ~
 The lodge

 And We Hunt Because……

TravisOne veteran who shared with me: With 12 yrs. services SSgt. Travis Reichert retired after IED blasts and taking a shot to his helmet.

“I have been to House in the Woods.  I don’t really do the hunt for the kill or the meat, although it is always nice to get the animal you are going after.  Every year since coming home it gets harder and harder for me to harvest an animal, this year I spent countless hours in a tree stand and had hundreds of opportunities to harvest animals and passed every time.  I do most of these hunts or retreats to meet people and talk.  Not about the past but about what they are doing now to continue to go forward everyday.  I have met life long friends on these hunts and continue to socialize with them.
I don’t go out in public gatherings, i.e bars or big groups of people.  I only go on retreats that I can bring my wife for the most part and spend time with her as she loves to hunt also.  I have been gone for so much of our 14 years of marriage so I like to spend time with her and now we have a baby so it’s going to be even more special to introduce him to the wonderful people we meet on these gatherings.
Don’t get me wrong at all, we love the meat, the antlers and displays and I love guns and hunting. I just have more compassion for the animals I choose to harvest and if everything isn’t perfect I pass.  I have seen too many things to know anything will suffer longer then I have control over.
After our trip to Maine at HITW we talked about moving there because of the people there. Also we love the outdoors.”
   ~Staff Sargent Travis Reichert, Army, Medically Retired ~
 wlcome sign deer

 The Gift of Warmth and Comfort From Kentucky!!

Beth & dog DaisyBeth Burcham Branstetter and her dog Daisy enjoying Nature at her best!
Recently retired as a pharmacist in Kentucky, Beth decided she wanted to reach out to House in the Woods and present them a gift of her fabulous quilts for the lodge in Lee, Maine.
Pine Cones
Deer Quilt
 The handsome specimen seen so often by those who hunt and hike the trails in Maine.
 Pine Cones
Eagle quilt
The eagle. The symbol for great strength, leadership and vision

 These Lovely Gifts Are Perfect at the Lodge Keeping Many Visitors Warm

Some of the quilts are lap quilts for sitting by the fire in the lodge some cool evening and others are queen size for the beds. A sample of two of the quilts are below. Beth told me, “This is my first year of retirement and I want to support these brave veterans. I truly enjoy stitching and sharing and I have never known of a better cause than House in the Woods“. Old college friends of Beth, who live in Maine, shared with her the project of House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat.
The news is spreading throughout our great nation! People are coming forward with wonderful gifts and donations. Beth visits Maine as often as she can to escape the heat and humidity of her beloved Kentucky, and is very anxious to see the finished building project in Lee.
 Beth is an avid fan of University of Kentucky basketball. According to Beth; “we bleed blue for our Kentucky Wildcats”!!
 thank you2

Machias Savings Bank Donates A Full Compliment of Office Suite for House in the Woods


Machias Logo

Office furn 3The crew from Machias Savings Bank dropped in February 15th to deliver a full suite of office furniture for Paul & Dee House’s office. Left to right:Jessica Cloukey, Jason Appleby and Jonathan Alley of Machias Bank and Paul House, Executive Director of House in the Woods.This is yet another example of community reaching out to support the great work done at the veterans retreat.
 The veterans retreat lodge now has two desks, a small conference table, chairs, bookshelves and filing cabinets!
office fruniture inside truckThe strong backs and gracious hearts of the Lincoln, Maine Branch of Machias Savings Bank unload the truck with the much-needed furniture to help  the offices become a reality.
Office furn 1
Two men and a dolly can get anything done!!
Office furn 2The construction and furnishing of this fabulous retreat for our Armed Forces is nearly complete. Maine folks “walk-the-talk“. They step up when a need arises without hesitation. It seems to me, (a non-Mainer who wishes she were a Maine resident) that a great lesson in life in helping thy neighbor is evident. Remember how your coach always told you “there is no (letter) I in team“???? I sense it originated in this area of Maine!
 Pine Cones

And They Come From Near & Far

Rhode Island brokers Lisa Foster~Pacheco, a Military Relocation Specialist at Re/Max Rivers Edge Bristol and Rhonda DelSignore~Mulligan of Province Mortgage Associates make a generous offer of support:
Lisa Foster PachecoMany from throughout the United States have become supporters of House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat!! Word of mouth, a television broadcast, social network posting, or a visit to Maine, many are hearing of this haven in the wood….we all admire and honor the project that has been growing in the wood of Lee, Maine. Some of us hail from a military family, have lost loved ones to the a war or have a loved one who is currently deployed. Or it’s simply a friend or a friend who is connected to the Armed Forces in some aspect.
Team~Work: (noun) cooperative or combined effort of a group of persons working together as a team for a common cause.
~A single act of kindness can cause ripples of healing~
Pine tree group

 Look What’s Ahead!!!!


Maine Guide Patch


VETERANS: June 26-29, 2017, Monday-Thursday, you too can become a Maine Guide!! House in the Woods is hosting a Maine guide training program presented by Fins and Furs Adventures.

Any veterans interested please contact Fins and Furs Adventures at 207-474-5430 for details.

Throughout history, Maine Guides have been revered as as some of the most knowledgeable and proficient woodsman in North America. This tradition began in the late 1890’s when the Maine legislature required all hunting guides to be registered with the state. It is a symbol with an honorable history. Wear it proudly!

Fins and Furs Adventures will be at the Eastern Maine Sportsman Show on March 10, 11, and 12. Stop by and say hello.

PCCA-logo78th Eastern Maine Sportsmen’s Show March 11–13

The Penobscot County Conservation Association (PCCA) of Brewer, Maine will be sponsoring its 78th Eastern Maine Sportsmen’s Show March 11–13 at the Memorial Gym and Field House. The show will include over 120 exhibitors of canoes, fishing and fly-tying equipment, hunting dogs, taxidermy, boat and marine supplies, outdoor wear, archery, camping, backpacking, ATV’s and other outdoor recreational equipment. There will also be a variety of interactive demonstrations and outdoor-related presentations.

Paul House will be at the House in the Woods booth. Drop in to pick up some great attire with the proceeds going to support our veterans’ retreat! 

Proceeds from the show help support a variety of conservation activities including investments in scholarships for students majoring in wildlife ecology at UMaine and in wildlife biology at Unity College.

The total amount of scholarship and other support for students majoring in wildlife-related disciplines has totaled more than than $1.3 million, helping attract and retain hundreds of students interested in pursuing careers in wildlife management and conservation.

Pine tree group



Paul roof snow2


Paul must be dreaming of the coming Spring when he can get back to the wood of Maine with our veterans and active military for a good hunt! Or, fishing on the lakes and open water! Anything out of doors except shoveling snow!!!



Turbo snow

Poor Turbo could not find Paul who was atop the roof clearing off the never-ending snow!!

Pine Cones

~ But This Too Shall Pass ~


Don’t Forget!!!

 daylight-savings-time March 12th, 2017 is the day we set the clocks ahead one hour. Let there be light….longer days and warmer days are just around the corner.
SpringThe season we all cannot wait to arrive!! Snow is melting, bulbs are poking through the warming earth and winter jackets are hung up, but kept close for cool nights. Rebirth, new life and the forest comes alive with great smells and creatures of the human and animal species are coming out of winter’s hibernation.
It’s time to make plans to get outside and experience all that Nature has to offer. When you are driving around the area or are a first-time visitor, be sure to stop in to visit us at House in the Woods Military &Family Retreat, located at 217 Skunk Hill Road in Lee, Maine.
Come see what we are all about. Ask what our mission is…you will then understand why those of us connected to this cause for our veterans feel so passionately about what we do. Guaranteed you will walk away understanding, and hopefully, wanting to help in some way to honor all of our Armed Forces.
Be sure to visit the website to see the scheduled events for 2017. If you have any questions regarding space available for the events, simply call Dee or Paul House or email them. All contact information is posted on the website: House in the Woods
 Pine tree group



Give a veteran the opportunity to relax in the company of other veterans who have similar experiences and can listen, empathize, and care, by sponsoring a hunting, fishing, or recreational trip.

soldiers flag prayingClick on the following link to see how you can sponsor: House in the Woods

Pine ConesHouse in the Woods offers various hunting, fishing, and recreational programs throughout the year for active military, veterans, and their family members, in the great wilderness of Maine.  All food and lodging is provided at NO COST to our participants.  Contact us for more information. 

HITW logo

In memory of
Sgt. Blair Emery
Maine woods sign
  Sgt. Joel new pic
 Sgt. Joel House

~ Bow the head and bend the knee to pray for our troops and their families. ~

For all the brave warriors who fought the valiant battle, we promise to keep you in our thoughts and prayers always. We are here to honor each of them who said their “good-bye” to us when last we hugged them and watched them walk toward that flight at the airport, to that journey, that would eventually take them to eternal rest.
We thank each of these men and women who stepped up and did their duty for our freedom and wonderful liberties of living in these great United States of America.
 flag on mountain

 ~We promise you…..we will never forget our true heroes ~


Up The Road A Piece

Valentine Veteran

“A soldier doesn’t fight because he hates what is in front of him. A soldier fights because he loves what he left behind.” – Author unknown



valentines day words

Valentines coupleWe at House in the Woods love our Veterans, love our Military and, who doesn’t love Valentine’s Day? We want to take a moment to also express our love and gratitude to those, here, back in the “land of the free and home of the brave”, who are helping our veterans and our military to adjust, commune with other brothers and sisters, and simply take a deep breath and relax at a very special place up the road a piece in Maine.

pine cone border~UP THE ROAD A PIECE~

sign: "Welcome to the Village of Lee"

Up the road a piece you will come across Lee, Maine where folks gather to help one another. A place where the community reaches out in time of need and gathers for the fun times of skiing, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling or taking a simple stroll in the wood.

This is where you find the hardworking, generous people who love our land, know how to honor nature and all that she offers to those who live here, and those who visit Maine.

hearts border


The House in the Woods Family & Military Retreat’s mission is to create a therapeutic, recreational and educational retreat for our nation’s U.S. Armed Forces and their families, using outdoor wilderness activities in Maine and natural habitats to help participants share common challenges related to their service and sacrifice in protecting our nation’s freedom and democratic ideals.

pine cone border~ UP THE ROAD A PIECE ~

HITW signUp the road a piece, tucked in the wood of Lee, Maine you will find something of a surprise…...House in the Woods Military and Family Retreat.


~ Those Who Share ~

RM Flagg Foodservice Equipmentthank-you-heart2Most recently,  Joseph and Stacey Guerin of R.M. Flagg Food Service and Equipment saw the vision of House in the Woods. In January they donated and delivered a full-size commercial kitchen valued at $50,000.

Stacey Guerin stated, “House in the Woods is an amazing place designed to be a place of peace and healing for our military men and women and their families. We thank them for their service and their sacrifice. We were humbled that the Lord allowed us to have the opportunity to deliver our donation of a $50,000 commercial kitchen to them today.”

Visit R.M. Flagg : R.M. Flagg

Double door freezer                   RM Flagg owners with stove

A Gift From The Heart




Two of the wonderful gifts included in the commercial size appliances are a double door refrigerator and commercial size range.

~ Dinner Will Be Served ~

commercial mixer2A commercial size mixer that will be creating some fabulous pancakes, mashed potatoes, perhaps some homemade bread dough and many other mouth-watering surprises. And, a full-size commercial dishwasher which will make clean-up a breeze, as well as a huge ice making machine!

Plus stainless commercial sinks and prep tables, deep fryers, microwave, commercial toaster, stainless shelving …    EVERYTHING a large kitchen requires when serving many guest!

Just as in many homes, we believe this kitchen, up the road a piece in Lee, Maine, will be a gathering spot for all to sit, grab a coffee and simply relax,  sharing the day’s adventures and making plans for the following day. Fabulous meals for hungry hunters and fishermen, trail blazers and kayak paddlers, the guides and the guests families. Hearty breakfasts and great evening feasts….and new friends made, that is what we will experience from this fabulous kitchen!

Thank you for your participation

Writer’s prerogative: I am taking the liberty, as author of this newsletter, to share with you the following as I believe it lends itself to the mission:

Being presented with the honor of working with Paul & Dee House, to assist in creating increased awareness of the House in the Woods, has been an amazing journey for me. The dedication and life- altering decision of Paul and Dee has given the local communities yet another reason to come together for such an honorable purpose.

Dee Paul mountainThese are two of the most dedicated and hard-working individuals I am honored to call friends.

heartProverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding.

US-flag-and-bible-crossA husband and wife whose faith in our Lord has provided them the fortitude to forge ahead when others thought they were “crazy” to take on the huge construction project of a lodge….. up the road a piece in this little town of Lee, Maine. Yet their unwavering faith told them that this would be possible and completed to honor their son Joel and his friend Blair, as well as all warriors who lost their lives in battles fought in all wars. Joe and Blair stepped up to serve their country, were deployed to Iraq where they paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Flag and soldiers.

Please remember, House in the Woods offers all of the following: events, meals and accommodations completely free to all combat wounded, active military and any veteran from any town in the United States of America who has served or is serving to protect the freedom and liberties of our Country.

pine cone border~ Pre~Valentine Treat ~

You don’t want to miss a fabulous 30 minute broadcast about House in the Woods which is scheduled to air on television February 12th.  Episode 5 on the Growing Home show . At this juncture Growing Home is only shown on Maine stations. We hope to soon hear that it will become a national show available to all. So, if you are a “Mainer” be sure to tune in and let us know what you think!!

Take a peek at the trailer found at this link: Growing Home, House in the Woods

pine cone borderhonor-a-veteranTo our beloved Veterans, our heroes, who served so gallantly, on lands so far away, serving for the freedom of all United States citizens here at home, we thank you! Happy Valentines Day!!

All of us associated with House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat have diligently been calling to the attention of many, how essential it is that we honor those who gave there all and did not return.

We are on a mission to honor those who gave so much, left so much behind and came home to, often, relive it all over again: our combat wounded and those silently suffering with PTSD.

ArmyNavyAirforceMarinesCoastGuardWe honor all our combat wounded, all our warriors, all our heroes!


pine cone bordera-home-for-hitw~UP THE ROAD A PIECE~

We invite you to visit the House in the Woods website where you will see, under the tab Building, a list of companies who have donated time and materials to the construction of the retreat lodge. Take a moment to see businesses large and small, next door as is Lincoln, Maine and up the road a piece…….plus some from across the nation, who have shown their generosity and support.

Also, take a moment to look at the events, under Programs, offered year-round to veterans, military and their families. These hunting, fishing and trailblazing events are lead by licensed Maine Guides and assisted by unselfish and, excellent volunteers whom, without, these adventures would be nearly impossible.

On our website under Supporters you will find the various ways you too can be a supporter of this retreat, up the road a piece, sitting in the middle of the quiet wood where you can smell the pine and hear the “sound of silence”.

House in the Woods

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed; it’s the only thing that ever has.        ~ Margaret Mead ~

Doug & Rita Sukeforth

 Doug and Rita Sukeforth who have been staunch supporters of House in the Woods throughout the construction of the lodge.

We thank you!!


hearts border

Let's buildGordon & Steve St. LouisSteve St. Louis, lead carpenter and Gordon Boyington, project manager who have been at the construction site from 2014 to present.

All of the contractors, their skilled teams of tireless men and women who have spent hours upon hours helping to build this retreat for all veterans who come for a stay……we say “THANK YOU ALL!”

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, Working together is success!      ~ Henry Ford ~


pine cone border




Great Pond SignOn January 21, 2017 over THREE HUNDRED  hearty ice fishing enthusiasts  from near and far started to hit the ice from 6:00 a.m. thru 3:30 p.m for the     7th Annual Ice Fishing Derby to benefit House in the Woods!

Through the generosity of the attendees attending Great Pond Outdoor Adventure Center, over $10,000 was donated to this fabulous 501(c) 3 nonprofit for our veterans, active military and their families.

Prizes for the longest fish were:
Brown Trout: Jiffy Propane Ice Auger
Small mouth bass: Muzzleloader
Pickerel: 3 Heritage fishing traps, a pack basket and an aerator

The entry fee for the derby was $5.00 which also entered attendees for a chance to win our fantastic prizes. And there was the 50/50 raffle.

Breakfast sandwiches bacon or ham sold like hotcakes!! Lunch time we had homemade beef stew, chili, hot dogs, chili dogs, yeast rolls, lots of sweets keeping warm and fueling up for more ice fishing in the afternoon!!

Dee in front of lodge

pine cone border~ FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ~

Kids fishingNew England folks believe it’s never too early to get the kids on the ice! Be it ice fishing, skating, snowmobiling on the thick ice or just exploring nature, we are a hearty bunch who don’t let a little cold and snow stop us!!

Moose & KidsOf course Maine has its’ rather large population of moose. It seems Maynard the Moose heard there was something awesome happening at Great Pond!! With over 300 people attending it was a fun and fabulous day for all!!

bouncing basketball~ JOIN US ON THE BASKETBALL COURT ~

BasketballJoin us in April for Battle of the Badges Basketball Tournament at the Skehan Rec Center, located at 1 Main Rd N, Hampden, ME . Organized by the Maine Public Safety Community. Visit our website for date and time: House in the Woods

This is always a fun time for all. It can get rather competitive!! Come join the fun or to cheer your favorites on ! It will be a great time.


pine cone borderMAINE RESIDENTS

Community Matters More Giving Back to Maine Communities.

The Bangor Savings Bank Foundation believes in giving back to our community. And we believe that by focusing on the needs that matter most to our neighbors and friends—from developing housing for our poor to direct charitable contributions—we matter more in the daily lives of our fellow Mainers.

We Need Your Help
In April, the Bangor Savings Bank Foundation will give more than $100,000 to 40 local non-profit organizations. We are looking to you, our community, to assist us by deciding how to best distribute these funds. We want to hear from as many Maine residents as possible, so please invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues to participate as well.

Please visit the following link where you will be instructed how to add House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat as your favorite nonprofit. Cast your Vote Today

Maine residents, including children under 18 years of age, can begin voting February 1st. Voting ends Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 11:59pm.


HELP US GET A $5,000 Bangor Savings Bank Community Matters More grant:
VOTE ONLINE: From Feb. 1 to Feb 28 in up to 3 districts.
This is the coolest campaign ever. There are 8 Maine districts. Each voter may select up to 3 charities from different districts. All charities will receive a grant. Because this is Bangor Savings’ 10th year anniversary for this campaign, this year they are awarding $5,000 to the TOP 2 charities in EACH district.
MAINE RESIDENTS: You must be a Maine resident but children under 18 may vote.
SPREAD THE WORD: Please help us get the vote out by sharing online or with your friends, family, and co-workers.
PAPER BALLOTS: If you know people who aren’t online, they can still vote by paper ballot. This is also a cool way to spread the word at work, church, or where ever there are Maine residents. You can go into a Bangor Savings branch near you or contact me. Photocopies are acceptable.

This is the year to win this grant. We need to finish furnishing the lodge and still put on some great programs.

two heartsWe are finally and joyfully at the stage where we can begin to furnish the interior of House in the Woods!!! We are shooting for an April Open House.

We have a concept of what we think would be the perfect theme for our lodge where our military and veterans can relax and enjoy themselves as guests during the many events to be held at the lodge.

Below are a few ideas we are considering. Tell us what you think:

interior HITW 5

If you would like to contribute to the funding of the furnishings for the rooms please contact Dee House at Dee’s Email

Or give Dee a call at 207.738.4421



interior HITW 3

A most welcoming atmosphere where any guest can hang their hat, come in for a few days or a week and join with other Armed Forces Brothers and Sisters. Our goal is to create a retreat for our nation’s U.S. Armed Forces and their families, to help participants share common challenges related to their sacrifice in protecting our nation’s freedom and democratic ideals.

We feel certain this is the place where that will happen!

interior HITW 2
 There is also need to furnish our offices with desks, chairs and all the necessities that make an office run! Please keep this in mind when you are considering supporting House in the Woods. When you donate you can specify where you would like the funds to be applied. For example; building fund, furnishings, general fund or supplies for hunting gear….I think you get the idea!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Lima.   Oscar.   Victor.   Echo.
Tango.   Yankee.
Marine & chopperWe want to send our love and deepest gratitude….
  navy-unit-chris-perkinsto all our military both here and abroad who defend our country
 armytrain relentlessly and are separated from family and loved ones                  for far too long
coast guardall to keep our nation free and remaining a democratic nation
 single heart2valentines day wordsMay no soldier go unloved,
May no soldier walk alone,
May no soldier be forgotten,
May no soldier be left behind,
When they return home…..
hearts border
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave




Happy New Year!

~Happy, Healthy New Year to All~

check-receivedPaul House, Dee House and Daniel Aiken

Daniel Aiken, owner and president of Gateway Title, with six locations throughout Maine, recently presented Paul & Dee House with a check for House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat! Daniel has committed to donating $50.00 per real estate transaction. This check is for the transactions of November 2016. Gateway Title is awesome!!!  Thanks to all who work with Daniel as we know it takes a team effort to have a successful business.




Happy new year 2017 text made from sparklers firework light

To my regular visitors of my website and those who have visited House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat, Paul & Dee House and I would like to wish each of you a wonderful, happy, exciting, prosperous and healthy New Year.

This is our thank you to all who have given from the heart…and their pocket….to support House in the Woods. Grab a coffee, find a comfy chair as this is lengthy, but 2016 was so good to us that we simply wanted to share with you some of the events.

May you be blessed each day you begin your journey through this upcoming year.

~Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.~ Galatians 6:9


a-home-for-hitwHouse in the Woods wants to thank so many people and organizations who have held fundraisers, donated to support us, and worked to make the project of building a special place, become a reality, for our combat wounded, all veterans and active military as well as their families, who will have a place to hang their hat when attending one of our events.


We love your generosity, your uplifting admiration of our heroes and your remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

us-flag-and-soldiersThose of you who have stepped up to support our efforts to create a therapeutic, recreational, and educational retreat for our nation’s U.S. armed forces and their families….thank you! We are using outdoor wilderness activities in Maine and natural habitats to help participants share common challenges related to their service.

House in the Woods

colorado-elves Tom Colucci, Korey Fox and friends with jolly Old St. Nick!!

Fundraisers are being held for House in the Woods in places far from Lee, Maine!

 Tom Colucci, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage’s Relocation Director, and Korey Fox USAA’s (United Services Automobile Association) representative, who each are located in Denver, Colorado were collecting donations for House in the Woods!!

We (Coldwell Banker & USAA) decided to support House in the Woods because of their incredible support to the military community. After learning about their programs and the impact they’ve made in the lives of our veterans, we decided this was the perfect cause for us to partner with….Tom Colucci, Relocation Director, Coldwell Banker.

friends-helpingAs a recipient of this newsletter, you too can help spread the word through your network of social and professional contacts. There are many who would like to help, but don’t know where to begin. Simply contact House in the Woods at their website

gingerbread-house-4This very large, beautiful gingerbread house was created by Jackie Powers and Bernadette Hashi of Maine to raise money by raffling it. The winner has donated it to House in the Woods!! This “architecture” is representative of the perfect place you would find in the wood of Maine. This is certainly too pretty to eat, but oh so tempting!!!

Gifts from the heart!

heartstore-signThe owner of Neokraft Signs put this HUGE Banner of House in the Woods on the side of their building. We thank Phil, Patrick, Shawn and all at Neokraft for supporting House in the Woods!!




machias-bank-giving-tuesdayOn November 30th Giving Tuesday was celebrated. We want to thank every one of you who posted during #YouAreMyHero campaign. Your heart-felt words generated a $1,000 gift to House in the Woods where we create a therapeutic and recreational retreat for our nations’ armed forces and their families. Thank you for joining Machias Savings Bank in Lincoln, ME to provide hope and healing for our veterans.

~Freedom lies in being bold~…. Robert Frost


growing-homeGrowing Home Show, This 30 minute weekly program highlights U.S. Veterans who like to get their hands dirty, doing what they love ~ working with the land. Full 30 minute episodes, will Premiere on NBC, starting Sunday, January 8th, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. where you will see Paul & Dee House tell their story of the concept of House in the Woods!


Currently (and sadly) the show is only broadcast in Maine, but there have been so many requests from other states that Growing Home is working on getting it aired nationwide.





grange-flyerBangor Grange #372 held a turkey dinner on November 12th with all the fixin’s and famous grange pies and a concert that followed. All proceeds went to House in the Woods. We all had a grand time and cannot thank the Grange enough for their continued support with local events!! You are the best folks!!!




There are so many generous people out there who love our veterans. Thank you all!!

~Two roads diverged in a wood and I.  I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.~ Robert Frost


u-maine-2U-Maine Black Bears Military Appreciation game against Bryant College on October 1st. Thank you so much for recognizing our military and remembering those we have lost.

Instill in them, when they are young men and women, to appreciate and respect what the Armed Forces truly means to the United States of America!….Brenda Everson~Shaw



Wells High School football team presented Luke House a check for House in the Woods on September 9th Friday Night Under the Lights!!!





jill-buckJill Buck from Go Green Radio and Tom Carney, National Sales Director at Fujitsu, talk about House in the Woods in a recent national/international broadcast that is heard in 140 countries worldwide. Fast-forward to the commercial around 45 minutes and they start talking afterwards. Go Green Talk Radio with Tom Carney

Let’s Ride!!!

dee-with-motorcyclesDeanna House, Mother of Sgt. Joel House, Administrative Director, House in the Woods with the American Legion Riders Post 80, September 25th, the House in the Woods Ride started in Millinocket. All proceeds benefited House in the Woods. Great time by all!!!!

Paul House, one of the founders of the Lee-based House in the Woods, is in the midst of the largest project the veterans retreat has ever organized. Nick Sambides Jr. | BDN

Paul House, Director of House in the Woods and Maine Master Guide, Father of Sgt. Joel House.





Bill Emery, father of Sgt. Blair Emery.


House in the Woods has been built in memory of two young men who grew up together in the small town of Lee, Maine and hundreds of others who stepped up and shipped out to fight for my freedom, your freedom and that of your children and their children.

blair       joel

Sgt. Blair Emery





                     Sgt. Joel House





vietnam-wall-120-jpgWe thank each and every Vietnam soldier. Come join us…many of your brothers have been to our events. Come for a day or a week..Just call or write us.. Many of us still hold in the highest regard those who did not return many years ago. Some working with House in the Woods are Vietnam vets. We will never forget all you sacrificed, just as the young ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.


soldiera-crossIf you have a loved one who has paid the ultimate price for our freedom, we thank you and continue to pray for families of those lost to the battles of war. Some of us who work, volunteer or are friends with the staff at House in the Woods have experienced this loss firsthand. We sincerely DO know the pain of your loss. We do not want any son or daughter to be forgotten, thus House in the Woods has been formed, organized and building near completion to remember and honor those excellent men and women who passed while serving our Country. To honor those who are combat wounded and those currently serving to come visit our retreat……THIS IS FOR YOU….a place to relax and commune with fellow brothers in arms.


It is very easy to contact House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat.


Website link: House in the Woods   Telephone: 207.738.4421     


Postal Address:

House in the Woods, 217 Skunk Hill Road,Lee, Maine 04455

Email, call, send us a letter. Just be sure to reach out!! 

kyakingFrom kayaking to ice fishing…you can enjoy it all at House in the Woods. Hunting, trail exploration, open water fishing, and campfire coffee…come join us!!

ice-fishingIf you would like to support House in the Woods we welcome any amount. If you would like to hold a fundraiser, reach out to Dee House at House in the Woods. She can provide you with all the materials and help you in any way possible.




There have been so many generous and loving supporters of House in the Woods. So many, that I could not list them all here, but I thank each one of you who ran a marathon, held fundraisers, volunteered at various events and functions, prepared meals for our attendees of events, and simply welcomed each veteran and armed forces person as they were your own sons, daughters, brothers & sisters!


A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.
~Steve Maraboli



If you are not comfortable donating funds on our website, simply send a check or call us directly. Every donation matters, be it $10 or $10,000.


We have been so tremendously blessed with many, many businesses and individuals  who have donated of their time, materials and money to bring this vision to reality..”thank you” seems so simple, but know it comes from the heart..


soldier-with-daughterWhen our country needed them, generations of brave men and women answered the call of duty to serve in our nation’s military. They sacrificed their family time, health, safety, and even their lives to protect ours. But with the return home, these soldiers bring with them life altering wounds and heartache which only their fellow brothers-in-arms can ever begin to understand.

Thank you all for your time in reading this newsletter for House in the Woods.

Thank you all for your honor of our combat warriors and their families.

Brenda Everson~ Shaw













We want all veterans and active military and their families to know the door is open to all of you at House in the Woods.You do not have to be a Maine resident. We want ALL active military and veterans from all of the 50 United States to join us!

Soldiers Speak, A Veterans’ Newsletter

the-guysVeterans who attended the first Black Bear Hunt Week August 2016.     Left to right: Jim Roten, David Rogers, Bo Reichenbach, Dustin Jones, Harry Bar and Zachary S. Stinson sitting.

House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat, Lee, Maine.  Construction near completion. Please show your support of our active duty and combat wounded  with your financial donation.

hitw-lodgePaying it Forward

“I arrived at HITW as a lost soul of sorts. I had been a firefighter EMT for 23 years. I was a Flight Medic in a UH-60 Blackhawk in the National Guard and after an injury during my Balken  deployment in 2002, I was no longer medically able to do my firefighter job. No more Army Dustoff. No more firefighter. No more rescue guy. Suddenly everything that defined me was  taken away.

I harvested a bear the first night I hunted. I stayed and socialized and connected with some old Vietnam vets. One evening Paul asked me if I could think of an activity or outdoor event vets might like? I said he should do a guide class for vets.

Paul called at the end of December to tell me there would be a 5-day guide’s school with Carol Ware the first week of January, 2014. He said I’d have to share a hotel room with another vet. That’s the way Paul is. He just puts it out there the way it is.

By March I was a Registered Maine Hunting, Fishing, and Recreation Guide. Something I always wanted to do but never could afford.

 That was a turning point in my soul searching. I had found a way to help others again. I returned for the 2014 bear hunt as a guide, and in 2015, started to take vets out on fishing trips for rainbow trout and salmon at my camp.  In 2015, I guided for the HITW turkey hunt. In September I returned for the HITW bear hunt. In November, I helped Luke House start a southern Maine HITW deer hunt.

 I consider the time I spend guiding other veterans and helping HITW as my therapy. I am now defined as ” one of House in the Woods Pro- Staff guidesand locally as “that fella who takes vets hunting.”  I like that, and I owe that to HITW.”

~Chris Brassard, Sgt. US Army Medevac retired/DAV~


medicIt Takes a Veteran to Understand Another Veteran


“I shot a 19.4 lb Tom today. HITW is a very worthwhile organization. As a vet, I appreciate everything they do for veterans. The get-together is a renewing of old friends and  friendships. They provide an opportunity for vets to connect with those of similar experiences,  people with whom you can talk and recreate old good memories.”

~MSgt Mike Caruso, USAF Retired~May 7, 1958 – May 31, 1978~Japan ‘58-’59, Germany ‘61-’64, Iceland ‘68-’69



Hospitality    Compassion   Appreciation 

steve-holden-cover-pic“I had the opportunity this Fall to hunt with an amazing Outfitter, Paul House with House in the Wood. I’m a Outdoor TV Personality, but I was  also a Soldier for over 20 years in the U.S. Army.

When I arrived until the time I left, I was treated like a king with HITW. They have an amazing program for hunting black bear in Maine. It was my first time ever hunting bear, but they took me under their wing and made sure that I had the tools to be successful.

 I’ve never experienced such great hospitality,  genuine compassion and sincere appreciation for being a veteran like I did with HITW. I was completely impressed with this organization and would definitely recommend this hunt and organization to anyone that loves the outdoors.

 HITW does it right and their heart is in the right place. One of the very best hunts that I’ve ever been on! Amazing time, fellowship, and friendship! A hunt that I’ll never forget! Army Strong!”

 ~ Steve Holden, former 1st Sgt. E-8 31st CSH~

In the Peace & Quiet of Nature

maine-forest-scene“Just wanted to say that Paula Ayer Douglas and myself had a great time this week during the bear hunt. Neither of us harvested a bear but will never forget the great time and great people we met this week. With all the bad things happening in this world, it was awesome to see all the volunteers that fed us, guided us, and spent time with us. I am truly humbled. Thanks to all! What a great thing that Deanna House and Paul House are doing for the veterans. God bless you all.”

~Wendell Douglas~

american-flag-2We are a free, outdoor self-help program which remains flexible to the needs of those whom we serve. The only expense to participants is their transportation to Lee, Maine.

Using the recreational, therapeutic, and educational  properties of Maine’s great wilderness and outdoor heritage, we form short-term retreats for participants to meet others with common military-related challenges and experiences.

Our Veterans Gather

vets-pre-bear-huntVeterans ready for a day’s  Black Bear Hunt with House in the Woods.

survival-fire-practiceCombat Marine Outdoors joining House in the Woods for Black Bear Hunt. Practicing survival fire starting with combat wounded vets.





What is a Veteran

“A combat veteran is any GI who experiences any level of hostility for any duration resulting from offensive, defensive or friendly fire military action involving a real or perceived enemy in any foreign theater.” 

~ American War Library ~


Sitting around the campfire at day’s end with veterans and guides, stories are shared of the day’s hunt.

As one soldier speaks of his loss of his brothers-in-arms, others join in to share memories.

There is the good: “He always had my back”….there is the bad: “Man, we never knew what hit us!”……..There is the brother sitting next to him with a huge hug and tears shared. These are our men! Our boys! Our sons! Our husbands! Our brothers!

These are our Heroes who just want some time away for a while breathing in the fresh woods air, fishing on the lakes, hunting in the woods and sharing with their comrades.

The healing begins, surrounded by Nature and those who understand and do not judge!



You Can Help


supportRemember on Memorial Day, 4th of July or Veterans’ Day when you took your son to a  parade and turned to him and said “We really need to support our troops. We should find a way to do something.” The day went on with other activities and some how that nice thought slipped away as your life’s daily responsibilities seemed enough to handle. Today you can do something to thank those who came home from World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, or Iraq with physical wounds apparent or PTSD well-hidden.

military-paradeNOW is the time to step up and support the veterans throughout the United States in a way that continues giving. You can help a veteran or active military man or woman attend a safe, welcoming lodge where they can gather with others who understand the hardships of the combat wounded and those suffering from PTSD. Attendees from 25 states have enjoyed the events thus far. All accommodations and meals are FREE to all who attend.


Veterans’ Day


Image result for Honoring all who serve

 Each November 11th we honor veterans and their service to America. Those men and women who serve or have served in the armed forces.

Your husband, son, brother, father, uncle, nephew, best friend. Your wife, daughter, sister, mother, aunt, niece, all willing to lay their life on the line for me, for you and for your loved ones. These are the American Heroes!



~ Home Again ~

At your day’s end you head toward home knowing whomever you call family will be there to greet you, share dinner, talk about the day’s activities and kiss the kids good-night.

Those of our loved ones who serve in the armed forces live an entirely different life. As Veterans’ Day approaches I humbly ask that you take some time to think of these families who are giving their all, sacrificing the “normal family life”, to serve our country and each one of us individually. They are the Blue Star Families.

blue-star-families“If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a nation to support its military.”

Their day ends knowing their spouse and/or other parent of their children will not be sitting at the dinner table. As a military family they know this, prepare for this but we should never assume it makes it any easier for them. Deployment comes, they leave. Deployment ends, they come home. And they do it all over again….they do it for us!

chris-homecoming♥  Welcome Home Darlin ♥

chris-kids-homecoming~ Our Hero,Our Dad ~

chris-family~ Honor, Courage, Commitment ~

My sincere gratitude to my extended family, of whom I am so proud: Chris and Vicky Perkins and children. I thank each of for your daily, unselfish service to our country and for allowing me to share your joyous moment of the return home of your hero. 






~ And So It Continues ~

marcus-this-one~ Marcus Shaw ~

 In recognition of the next generation of our troops, my first grandson to volunteer will be a proud member of the United States Army within eight days of my writing this. I am very proud of you Marcus.

I am from a large family of veterans. Three of my siblings:  Air Force,  Navy,  Army, my brothers-in-law, and five of my uncles served in the military, one an F-80 pilot killed in the Korean War.

My sons’ father is a Navy veteran of Vietnam and my daughter’s father an Army veteran of Vietnam.

My son,  joined the Marine Corps directly out of high school, my nephew served in the Air Force and his daughter and her husband currently serve. My sister’s grandson paid the ultimate price in Iraq in 2007.

I sincerely DO know what a veteran is and am deeply proud of each one who served and those who are serving and for those who gave their life for our freedom.

~ These Are Our Veterans ~


Remember on Memorial Day, 4th of July or Veterans’ Day when you took your son to a  parade and turned to him and said “We really need to support our troops. We should find a way to do something.”

The day went on with other activities and  some how that nice thought slipped away as your life’s daily responsibilities seemed enough to handle. Today you can do something to thank those who came home from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, or Iraq with physical wounds apparent or PTSD well-hidden. Just take that one moment to say thank you. Two simple words with a handshake.


thank-you-veteransTo all Veterans at Home or Abroad, Active Duty, Reserve, or Retired, We Say THANK YOU ALL!!










Volunteering at its’ Best!

Lincoln and Lee, Maine Feeds House in the Woods Veterans


feeding-vets~ Volunteers cooking and serving a lobster lunch to veterans ~


On September 6th I had the pleasure of having lunch at Jessica & Justin Cloukey’s home in Lincoln, Maine. This was the second week of the Cloukeys and their platoon of volunteers providing meals for the combat wounded veterans, guides and active military who were in Maine to participate in a week of black bear hunting with House in the Woods Military & Family Retreat.

justin-jessica-cloukeyJustin and Jessica Cloukey

This was my second time visiting the towns of Lee and Lincoln within a three-month span. I had been recruited by Richard Larkin of Lincoln to help get the word out nation-wide about House in the Woods. I have been working as a marketing consultant in various aspects for Richard for a few years and have known him most of my life. I trust his judgement and was pleasantly surprised at what I saw at the site of House in the Woods and the people I met. The mission to help the combat wounded and active military grabbed my interest immediately as I hail from a large military family.

new-hitw-logoI was amazed at the number of people who willingly and, with such ease, jumped in to volunteer and donate foods, prepared meals and desserts, donate paper supplies, and various other items for every breakfast, lunch and dinner for our military and their family members who accompanied them. A total of 58 meals were served to our veterans in the yard of  Jessica’s and Justin’s welcoming home. The meals were all homemade including the great pasta dishes, burgers, homemade biscuits, nearly 400 lobsters, tons of bacon and eggs, homemade maple syrup, the ever-so-luscious desserts, and the list goes on and on! The veterans I spoke to and heard from later could not believe the warm welcome and generosity of the community. Your genuine caring for their sacrifices helped to make their time in Maine one to sincerely remember and another reason to return for more events at House in the Woods. New friendships were cast in stone due to your kindness.

I reside on Cape Cod, Massachusetts and felt honored to be welcomed by the residents of Lee and Lincoln. You have a great community of people who are sincere, warm and very willing to help their neighbor and even those whom they have met for the first time. I wanted to personally thank all of you for being the kind of humans who are proud of their towns and their state of Maine. It is a beautiful location with miles and miles of hills, lakes and woods that have an immediate calming effect on those who are new to the area, just visiting for a while or attending an event in the wilderness of Maine.

Paul and Dee House drove me through the woods to walk some of the trails and witness where the participants of the bear hunt would be waiting to sit oh-so-quietly in the wood awaiting the sighting of “their bear”. I had the opportunity to sit and chat with some of the great guides who help with the hunt. Such interesting, honest and knowledgeable men who sincerely enjoy every moment of getting to know our troops who venture to Maine for some great fresh air and to spend time with other veterans.

I want to thank each and every person I came in contact with at the Cloukey home and throughout Lee and Lincoln. I am only sorry my visit was shorter than I would have liked it to be.

Your community is what one envisions of a great place to call “home” in America. It inspires one to realize in the midst of the insanity of unrest in our country there is still a proud and respectful group of hard-working folks who truly show how they love God and Country and who sincerely do care for others, stepping up to the plate to do their part. THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!!

I have a long list of names that I want to thank, thus I beg your indulgence in the length of this piece!

FOOD DONATIONS: Cheryl Whitten, Beth Enochs, April Shorey, Rene Lindsay, Shannon Briggs, Pam Jordan, Miranda Thompson, Julie Faloon, Vicki Wakefield, Terry Clukey, Kelli Bard, Roxanne Porter, Grady Thurlow, Sharon Crockett, Charald Comeau, Stephanie Dube, Jean Hanington, Melanie True, Leah Toby,Sabrina Fogg, Tammy Cowan, Heather Spearin, Heather Braley, Linda Gerry, Kimberly Lee, Ederle Lemay, Laurie Mortenson, Nicki Jandreau, Rebeca Hunter, Erica Page, Mike Albert, Tammy Tracy, Guy (from Corinth), Veronica Shorey, Carol Marino, Julie McFarland, Mary Ann Foster, Patty Cloukey, Carlene (Carol’s friend), Carlene Fraiser, Sheldon Hanington, Beth Turner, Ronda St. Louis, Valerie Foster, Farleen Smith, Jeremy Aldrich, Aimee Nicholson, Todd Simcox, Erica Tripp, Sharlene Black, Christine Worster, Charlene Cloukey and Richard Larkin.

BUSINESS DONATIONS: Troy General Rental, Hannafords, Steaks & Stuff, Governor’s, Subway, B&W Variety, Trapier’s, High Street Market, McDonalds, Olive Garden, Tim Hortons, Angie Belk, WB Mason, Aubuchon, and Ed Comeau.

MONETARY DONATIONS: Lincoln Firefighters, Richard Bell, Christine Nicholson, Lynn Fish, Faith Curtis, Julie Yost, Brenda Sutherland and Beverly Kana.

SUPPLIES: Angel Matson, Kacy Mercier, Deb Sereyko, Angela Helms and Mike Page.

Thank you one and all for all your time, food preparations, serving meals, donating goods and funds, and welcoming our veterans who truly are the heroes of all of us.

My apologies if I missed any names.

Brenda Everson~Shaw

Massachusetts resident who thinks you all are fantastic people!!!!