Check Your Web Site!


As the owner of small business, you may have assigned the task of your web site to one of your employees. I recommend, as owner, you take a few minutes a day to actually scan through your web. Be it six pages or two pages, you want to make sure your intended audience is seeing precisely the quality and information you wish to convey.

web page screenAll too often we get side~tracked with many other aspects of running our business and get somewhat complacent about our web site, thinking “it’s out there” and working!




MAN FEET ON DESKI have a friend who is a  very successful, domestic and international business owner. I noticed last month that his web had not been updated in months! Of course I asked him if he wanted me to freshen it up, considering that is what my business is based on: putting your best foot forward on the web!

He told me ” I have someone on my staff whom I pay to do that. Obviously it hasn’t been on their mind.” Three days later I when I viewed his web it had definitely been updated. Now this man has been in business for over 25 years and admitted to me that he never looks at his web site. NOT GOOD!!


confused woman at computerKeep in mind it takes about 5-10 seconds for a viewer of a web site to decide if they want to continue reading or are completely confused by your web being too crowded with far too many pictures and non-related editorial.

LAYOUT IS ESSENTIAL.  An aesthetically appealing home page is one of the most important aspects of your web. Worse, if there is not current information posted, your returning client or potential new client will wonder if you are actually interested in doing  business!

Before you put on your coat and walk out the door to “call it a day”, make your last task be the one where you lock the door, put up the closed sign, sit with that last cup of coffee and go to your web site.  The office or shop is empty, the phones are off, your employees have all gone for the day.

CAUTION: if you wait until you get home, guaranteed you will procrastinate and never look at your web.

There really is no excuse for not using your web to its’ highest potential. Understand that everyone uses the web now: from tweens to baby boomers! Keep in mind whom you are targeting and make the necessary updates or changes to your web site.

Brenda Everson~Shaw             508/789-1450