What Are You Telling People?

farm standWhen you meet people, what do you tell them about your small business?

It’s always quite simple to strike up a conversation with anyone if you are confident in what you are saying.


Who in this picture do you think is actually “introducing” the small business that they own?

When you own a small business you may be the only one who can get the word out about how great a service or product you provide.


elevatorMost likely you have heard the phrase “elevator pitch”. Personally, I’m not a fan of that term, but it means having a quick definition for your business you would give someone if you were riding an elevator with them: 6-8 seconds worth! Just try out a few until you find the one that works.

Who in the elevator is actually giving their 6-8 second pitch?

The next person you meet in the proverbial elevator or in line at the store or even the great waitress at dinner, any one of them could be your next customer. Just be ready to answer any question they may have without giving an entire marketing presentation! You don’t want to scare them off. You want to make them curious.